It's like sailing on a windy day--nothing is worse than sailing against the wind, but a good tailwind doesn't always get due credit.
If you'll pause for a moment and think about it, you will noticed the winds of Orem have changed. The traffic situation in Orem over the past years has improved steadily and surely; the overall change has be drastic.
For example, prior to my current job, I worked at a place on the other side of town. Getting to work took me past some busy intersections, including turning onto 800 North and passing State Street. More than once, I made it to work without hitting a single red light. When it happened the first time, I pull up to work and let out a cheer. (I mean, how often do you make it across town without hitting a single red light?) The second time it happened, I was like, "Wow, that was cool." Eventually I lost count of this phenomenon, it became a regular occurrence.
Why the change? How could this be? Who are these traffic angels?
Well, there is an answer. In December, 2005, the City of Orem provided the City with a traffic control center. This project, a total of $350,000, was funded by a federal grant and funds from the city's budget. It was a project that started by equipping 14 of the city's busiest intersections with 360 degree spin PanTilt zoom cameras that can be controlled and viewed easily from the city's public works facility, including pictures from 37 other stationary video detection cameras.
The traffic control center which started out as room with 6 computers, 4 small, mounted screens, and 2 wide-screens panels (for viewing images from intersection cameras), received a makeover when the City moved its new public works facility. The newer facility completed in 2007 offers the traffic control center with a wider workspace where they can fit an additional 2 wide-screen panels.
This is a video I found on You Tube that gives you an idea of what the traffic control center looks like. It shows Orem's traffic engineers demonstrating the capabilities of the traffic cameras and shows the room. Take a look:
Since that time, improvements have continually been made to Orem's traffic grid. It is increasingly automated. Orem has since included blinking yellow turn arrows, and equipped intersections with more gadgets that manage light rotations to get you where you need to be on time!

Next time you drive down an Orem street, just take a minute to notice. See if Orem's traffic grid hasn't been improved; I'm confident that you will find it has been improved. Thank your local City Council member. And remember to be a courteous driver.
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